A New Experience

By: Valendy Pierre

Diane Hall, one of our new AHS teachers, is originally from Jamaica. Mrs. Hall is the youngest of six and is married with two children. Though she worked at a high school in the parish of Saint Catherine, Mrs. Hall is from Saint Ann Parish in Jamaica. Arriving here August 13 alongside another teacher from Jamaica, she was searching for a new experience and a new culture. Her new experience began August 22. The process was hard, but not impossible. She is currently teaching freshman ELA, both regular and honors. This year, she hopes to influence many young lives at Apopka High School.

What do you teach?

I teach grade 9 English 1 honors and regular.

Why did you come to Apopka High School?

I was placed here.

Do you like it here so far?

I love it!

What’s your favorite thing about teaching at Apopka so far?

Everything, especially the wonderful staff—everything! It’s so different from where I’m coming—I’m coming from Jamaica, and the culture—everything is totally different.

What is your least favorite?

[Sighs] one of my classes– not that it is really my least favorite, but I want them to be able to…um…be more focused, do the task that they’re given—and less talking. They’re very noisy and hard to get under control, but I’m trying.

What pushed you to become a teacher?

You know… I think it’s innate. I say this to say that—all of my sisters, I have two sisters and a brother, who was older and who were teachers, so it’s in the family.

How long have you been teaching?

I’ve been teaching for [takes brief pause] 17 years.

I know you mentioned the reason becoming a teacher was because it runs through the family, but when did you decide that you would continue the trend?

It’s a family thing, we love it [chuckles]! I decided to become a teacher when I had my first son, that’s about 35 years ago.

How many kids do you have? Are you married?

Yes, I am. I have two kids.

What were schools like in Jamaica?

It was great. The school I’m coming from is high school, but our high schools are from 7th to 13th—here it’s different.

What did you teach in Jamaica?

I was grade supervisor for grade 7–um I was a senior teacher as well. I taught English Language, Principals of Business, and Principal of Accounts to grades 7 to 10.

You were teaching English then and now, is this a subject you love?

Yes! It’s my passion—has always been.

Are you interested in teaching any other subjects besides English?

Uh…I don’t—it wouldn’t be just any other subject. Maybe to be the subject I am comfortable- like where I am trained. In this part of the world, subjects that are being done in Jamaica are not so common here, like in some states there are business courses, electives… [Pause] maybe if I get—I don’t know. I’m just so passionate about teaching English, um… but I don’t think I would want to do any other subjects unless I’m comfortable doing it.

If you had to choose another subject to teach, what would it be?

My other subjects that I would be interested in teaching, like I said before, would be the subject areas that I have been doing, like Principles of Business, Principles of Accounts, Office Administration, Entrepreneurship,  Management—those areas.