New to the Blue

By: Jamari Saint Cyr

This school year, Apopka High School welcomes many new staff members. AHS saw the departure of our four assistant principals from last year:  Mrs. Nelson-Warren, Mr. Mahoney, and Mr. Heinz, who left Apopka, as well as Mrs. Cooke-Weaver who is no longer an assistant principal and has now transitioned as a teacher. Naturally, Apopka has gained new assistant principals just in time for the start of the school year who we would like to shed some light on.

Apopka High School welcomes Ms. Hammons, Mr. Myers, and Mr. Martin who are the new assistant principals that are going to work alongside Mr. Arnold for the rest of the year. Ms. Hammons, born and raised in Orlando, started as a health and science teacher for ten years before transitioning to a testing coordinator and a curriculum resource teacher at Freedom High School. From there she worked at Olympia High School for five years as an assistant principal before she came to Apopka High, where she is now in charge of our English and Reading Departments.

Mr. Myers grew up in southwest Virginia and worked at Blankner K-8, which is a feeder school for Boone High School. His position here covers focusing on Social Studies, Partners in Education, community outreach, supervision and safety, and discipline.

Though neither of them grew up in the Apopka area, they saw something about the Apopka community that drew them towards it. “The tradition. I grew up in an area very much like Apopka and love the small town feel, as well as the sense of community we have here. I love the fact the community does so much to support the school. Apopka High School is a staple in this area and it is evident in everything we do here.” Mr. Myers was also able to tell us about how working at Apopka High School compared to the previous schools he’s worked at and the aspects of them that set each apart for him. “Where I worked was also a great school, but different. Again, I think the sense and strength of our community here make up the difference,” Myers elaborated.

Ms. Hammons as well had nothing but good things to say about her time at Apopka and what drew her to the school from the start. “I wanted new and different leadership experiences than the ones I have had at my previous work locations,” says Ms. Hammons. “Each day presents new challenges and opportunities to learn and grow as a leader, even though some of my job tasks are similar to those in my previous position. I have had the opportunity to create and implement several systems and structures that allow our school to function more effectively and efficiently, which I have found to be very rewarding.”

Though we’re only two months into the school year, things seem to be going along nicely for them already! They both say it’s the students that make them enjoy what they do here for us. “It’s been awesome!” Mr. Myers says. “The students are wonderful, always taking their time to say ‘Hi’ or ‘Good Morning’ to me.  Our faculty here may be the best part.  I have not had the opportunity to work with so many people who love our students and always go out of their way to support one another.  It’s truly a unique experience.” He went on to say, “The students [are what I love most]! This is why I come to work every day.  They make my job fun and keep me laughing all day.”   

Although we reached out to Mr. Martin, we weren’t able to get a response. However, Mr. Myers and Ms. Hammons gave us great insight into what it’s like for the three assistant principals working as a team.  “[Mr. Myers and Mr. Martin] are both easy to work with,” Says Ms. Hammons. “[They’re] always willing to help, and committed to the success of Apopka High School.” Mr. Myers, as well, praised his co-workers by expressing how much he enjoys working with them. “Dr. Hammons and Mr. Martin are exceptional teammates. They always have my back and are willing to help out in any way possible.”

In addition to working alongside one another, we further asked them what it was like for the two of them working with our principal, Mr. Arnold. “It’s great,” responded Mr. Myer. “He’s a really good listener and always takes everyone’s opinion into account before making decisions. In fact, I think that may the best part of being a leader.  When you have an investment in decision-making from all of those who work for you, it makes you rest a little easier at night.” Ms. Hammons expressed a similar devotion toward working with Mr. Arnold, responding, “Mr. Arnold is so easy to work with. He listens earnestly, offers advice, and assists in resolving conflicts and concerns. His commitment to Apopka High School, its students, faculty, and staff is unwavering.”

Finally, both Mr. Myers and Ms. Hammons were willing to share with us their own personal goals that they hope to strive towards this school year. “I want to challenge myself to develop into a better-rounded leader with the capacity to lead a school of my own in the future,” expressed Ms. Hammons. “In addition, I want to be a positive influence on those I work with, sharing my knowledge, expertise, and experience with others so they may continue to develop as educators and leaders.”

“My goals are to learn about as many of the students, staff, and operations of Apopka HS that I can,” Mr. Myers shared.  “It’s always a little tougher when you are new to an environment.  But, as time goes on, things get easier and you start feeling like the place you work truly is your home. I can say, with confidence, however, that Apopka HS has become home a lot quicker than any other school I have been at.  For that I am grateful.”