Calmer Heads Must Prevail

By an AHS Senior

When approached with the idea of writing an opinion piece on whatever I want, my mind wandered into everything from music to politics. I thought, why not talk about the ongoing conflict between the United States and North Korea. Please note that I am very centralized and when it comes to left and right I tend to stay in the middle. Anyway this whole nuclear thing between our president and “Rocket Man” is nearing a climax, and there is really nothing to blame but inflated egos and lack of tact.

Personally, I believe that our President is not the best with words. I do applaud him on his eagerness and enthusiasm to “make America great again,” but The Honorable Mr. Donald Trump severely lacks realpolitik and tact. This is not a thing we want to have when there is a threat of nuclear war. He referred to Kim Jong Un as “Rocket Man” during his address to the UN. That’s a pretty ballsy move considering what is on the line.

Enough of Donald Trump and enthusiasm and lack of tact; let us now talk about Kim Jong Un. In my eyes, this is whole nuclear threat in a desperate cry for attention and for a spot at the big boys’ table. The question is, do we pay attention and take him seriously? Or do we ignore him and just let him settle down like you would do for a pouting child? Bottom line is, insulting the man who has influenced an entire country to have a mutual hate for the United States of America isn’t the best idea. He should be approached with tact and a firm notice that we will defend our nation and our allies by whatever means necessary. Being demeaning towards this unstable human being and threatening to “totally destroy” his nation is not the best way to go about it. That’s my two cents.