Meet Victoria…Again

By Isabelle Lounsberry

Victoria Merzera, a sophomore staff member here on The Blue and White, has allowed us another look into her life. Now half a school year older, Victoria wants to focus on her education and has plans to adhere to that aspiration. With a deep passion for books, music, and “those kinds of things,” she clearly loves to learn new things. In fact, she stated that she enjoys sharing random facts on a regular basis– a quirky, yet endearing, trait. Her silly personality and academic mind contrast, but come together to create a pleasant and well-rounded student and friend.

How are you liking The Blue and White so far?

It’s great. I love everyone on the staff, they’re so nice. I think we all get along– I mean, they are nice.

What are your hopes for the Blue and White’s future?

I want to continue doing it because I like to write, and I think it’s a cool class, and Mrs. Houverous is really great and supportive about everyone’s writing.

What is your favorite class this year?

Probably Ap Psychology. Mr. Melon, my teacher, makes it so fun.

How do you think you’ve changed since the beginning of the school year?

My hair is a lot longer. I think I’m pretty much the same.

Aspirations for 2018?

I wanna really crack down on my grades. Try to make myself study more.

What’s something you’ve never tried, but always wanted to?

I really want to try skydiving. I’m really terrified of heights, I think that can be the cure. I’ll just make myself jump out of a plane.

What’s stopping you?

My fear of heights. (Reporter interruption: I’m pretty sure you have to be 18 too.) Yeah, my dad would probably take me though, he’s kinda stupid. In a lovable way.

You said in your last interview that you break bones easily. Can you elaborate?

I don’t know. Maybe it’s just because I’m a tiny, unathletic person. I’ve broken two bones, both in P.E. Well, I’ve broken more than two bones, but I broke both of my wrists in P.E., not at the same time, but I don’t know. Maybe I just need to be more aware of my surroundings.


“Sad animal videos. Even happy ones, like the Dodo, I don’t know if you’ve ever heard of them. I cry watching it at least on a daily basis.

What kind of music have you been listening to recently?

I listen to a lot of rock music, probably because my dad does too.

Specific songs/ artists/ albums?

Not really. Mostly just the radio station.

Can you explain your aesthetic?

I wouldn’t really say that I have one. I kind of follow trends a lot. And I don’t think that’s necessarily a bad thing. I don’t see why everyone is, like, so mad that something trends and that people follow it, because it just means that people think it’s nice. Not everything is black and white, where it’s always bad to follow things that are popular.

Who is your role model?

Probably Zendaya. I aspire to be her. She’s so lovely.

List your top five priorities in life.

Food, water, a place to sleep, education, and probably a pet. I’d take my cat with me.

What do you want to do after high school?

I want to go to a nice university, and do something with writing. And I want to get a job at some point.

Parting words?

Stay in school, kids.