Getting to Know: Jonathan Gardon

By Victoria Mezera

Jonathan Gardon is a sophomore at Apopka High School. He is an active member of drama club and has appeared in numerous school plays, his most recent appearance being in James and The Giant Peach. He plays varsity volleyball, and is a member of Sophomore Class Council. He aspires to be in the Top 10 of his class, and is a very diligent student. He describes himself as energetic, and is described by his friends as smart and funny, with a bad taste in movies.

What do you like about Apopka High School?
What I like about Apopka High School is all the extracurricular activities you can be a part of, from sports to performing arts and an assortment of clubs and organizations. You can find where you fit in and be yourself.

What are you involved in at school?
I am involved in Sophomore Class Council, the drama department, and varsity volleyball.

If you could change anything about the school, what would it be?
If I could change anything in the school, I would change the dress code policy to be more equal for all genders, and institute better school lunch.

Do you like high school? Why or why not?
I like the interaction part of high school because there are so many people that are genuine and great to be with.

What’s your favorite class?
My favorite class has to be either AP psychology with Mr. Mellon, or AP Capstone with Mr. Blevins.

Do you plan on going to college? If so, what college?
I do plan on going to college and my dream college is UCLA, but I’m also striving for UF and NYU.

What do you want to study?
My biggest fear is 100% snakes, I’ve been terrified of them since I was little and I have constant nightmares of the floor being covered with snakes and I have nowhere to move.

What’s the number one thing on your bucket list and why?

My number one thing on my bucket list would have to be live in a foreign country for a year. Preferably England.

What are your hobbies?
My main hobbies include watching TV -The Office of course- and talking with friends.