Getting to Know: Mr. Mellon

By Victoria Mezera

Mr. Mellon is a teacher at Apopka High School who teaches AP Psychology and AP Human Geography, and is best known for his quirky in class stories, and zany personality. He is beloved across campus, and is a frequently seen hosting or participating in school events. He cares about his students, and it shows in many ways, such as the fact that he cooks them breakfast on the day of the AP exam, or the way he jokes with is students in class. Students describe him as a fun teacher who is easy to talk to, and really cares about his students.

Where did you attend college?

I graduated from the University of Maryland but attended numerous colleges before I figured out what I was doing.

What did you major in?

I changed my major 7 or 8 times; in college you don’t know who you are yet.

What’s your favorite thing about being a teacher?

I like the relationships with the students; I get to play around and help kids realize that learning and growing can be enjoyable.

How long have you been working at Apopka?

I moved to Apopka because my mother-in-law lived here.  My wife and I wanted to move somewhere warm and since my mother-in-law bowled with the mother of APK’s Principal is was fate. I’ve now been here for 14 years.

Do you like the environment of the school?

The environment of the school is good; it changes just like any environment, but I believe that there are some great people here at APK.

What’s the most memorable moment as a teacher?

My most memorable moments as a teacher happened before I came to APK.  In my first two years of teaching, back in Maryland, we had 9/11 and then a tornado took off the roof of the school.  The next year we were part of the DC Sniper Shootings; we were told in a faculty meeting to duck and weave as we left our cars to enter the school.

You’ve been known to do a lot of quirky things in class, what prompts you to do them?

Some of the quirky things I do in class are just who I am; my mind races and the part that is supposed to edit me often falls asleep.  I like having fun.  Sometimes though, the goofy things are done to break the monotony. 

What’s the weirdest thing you’ve done in class?

Weirdest thing I’ve done in class is taking the entire class outside while a student was using the restroom; we wanted to see if he could find us.  He didn’t.

If you had to teach anything other than AP psychology, what would you teach?

If I had to teach something besides AP Psych I would teach either US History or American Government.  Those were the two things I had planned on teaching before I got Psychology.

Do you have any advice for students?

My best advice for students at APK is to use the school for all it’s worth.  There are great opportunities in so many areas; from sports, to drama, to honor societies, to student government.  Make each day count and realize that no matter when you are asked, today is the good old days; whether you 80 or 18.