Getting to Know: Forthcoming SGA Vice President, Desiree Birriel

SGA Vice President Desiree Birriel (Left) and SGA President Harmony Cullen (Right)

By Jamari Saint Cyr

Desiree Birriel is a current Junior at Apopka High and newly elected SGA Vice President for the 2018-2019 school year. She currently in Athletic Training and volleyball, both of which she enjoys very much. She is very eager to be a part a representative of SGA and to work alongside Mr. Peters and her fellow officers in the approaching school year.

What do you enjoy about Apopka High?

I enjoy the school spirit of Apopka and the competitiveness of our athletes.

What made you originally want to join SGA? 

Originally wanted to join SGA because I had this friend that graduated last year who was in it and told me all about the events they host and are a part of.

What made you want to run for leadership?

Mr. Peters taught me what strong leadership looks like, and I want to be able to prove what I am capable of doing.

Have you spoken with the senior presiding officers? Did they give you any tips or well wishes?

Yes, I have spoken to the senior presiding officers both Gracie, and Hope… They are both highly supportive of Harmony and I and have been giving us amazing support and advice for the following school year, along with notes about each event they did as presiding officers that we would need to accomplish in the following year.

What are you eager to accomplish in your new role as an SGA officer in the 2018-2019 school year with Mr. Peters?

I am super excited to plan homecoming, one thing I am extremely eager to accomplish.

Are you excited to work with new fellow inducted presiding officers?

I am beyond excited to work with our new group of officers, we have an amazing group and also a diverse group which is great. Especially Harmony she’s an awesome person I can’t wait to see what we accomplish together!