Frog Express
Where is the year going??
Another busy week at the pond.Ask your child about what we did today!

Next week, we will be reviewing all the important information we have learned. Homework will mainly be in Math. The Indian projects will also be worked on.

Wednesday –Teach In- I only had Mrs. Clegg and Mrs. Katz response. Where are all my other parents??

I still have room for you to come and inspire our students about your career. Please email ASAP.

Thursday is the Thanksgiving Feast– I need all your reservation in by Monday. Please plan on attending.

Sand Lake is having a new blanket drive for survivors of the Philippines storms.Please bring them in next week. We have a few families that have had their family impacted by the storms.

Upcoming events:

Special Event –Give Kids The World– ICE November 23 (see info below)

Thanksgiving Break- Nov-25-29 READ,READ,READ

Field Trip to the play- Tuesday Dec 10(permission slips will be out next week)

Holiday Break-December 23-Jan 5th

ICE! GKTW Charity Day at Gaylord Palms Resort, November 23

Gaylord Palms is helping to make the dreams of our children come true by hosting a Give Kids The World Charity Preview Day on Saturday, November 23. On this day, tickets to the attraction will be available at 40%-50% off retail price with the use of a special promo code, with $5 from each adult ticket donated to GKTW. Thank you, Gaylord Palms, for continuing to bring magical holiday memories to our families.Special Ticket Pricing November 23 ONLY!Use promotional code: GKTWAdult tickets: $18.00 +tax (reg $29.99)Child ticket: $8.99 +tax (reg $16.99)






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