New 100 points AR Winner!


  Great Job Mira

Last day for AR goal points is Wednesday,March 19th

We currently have over half our class on track to make a 100 points by the end of the year! Our class has won every month for the most class AR points for 2nd grade!!

Don’t forget….

Tomorrow is Picture Day for individual shots and the class picture. Please send in your money tomorrow. The class picture is $12.00.

Coming Up:
**New SLE Community Meeting called for Monday, March 17th at 6 pm in the SLE Cafeteria!!  School Board member Pam Gould and Area Superintendent John Rudzik will be in attendance to address growing issues and concerns over the rezoning that will greatly affect SLE.  Please plan on attending!! 

Monday, March 17th– Dress in green for St Patrick’s Day

Wednesday, March 19th – AR Goals Due

Thursday, March 20th – End of the 3rd Grading Period

Friday, March 21st – NO SCHOOL (Teacher Workday)

March 24th through March 28th – SPRING BREAK






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