Gifted Science had an awesome week!!!

It’s been a great week at the pond! 

Do crayons float or sink? Ask your child.
Do crayons float or sink? Does it make a difference on how much they cost?
Ask your child.

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What is Kinetic Sand and what is it made out of???

Thank-you to all the parents for the wonderful additional donations that you have made.Already it’s making a difference in what I can expose them to in the classroom.Especially thank-you to PTA for the donation of the microscopes.

Open House is next Thursday, September 18 please plan on stopping by to say hi. I am located in room 134. I look forward to seeing you.

 I hope your child is enjoying, and don’t tell them,but learning a few new things as well in class. Next week, we will be talking about why apples turn brown when cut,and how to stop it from happening.Your children have some very interesting ideas about it.

Have a wonderful weekend!





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                 Welcome to Ms. Haman’s Gifted Science Class

Home of the F.R.O.G.S.-Friendly,Respectful,Organized,Growing Students

This year will be filled with wonderful new experiences,awesome                       experiments ,and most of all exceptional learning!

Great News we will be starting Gifted classes on Monday Sept. 8th.

Ms. Harman’s Gifted Frogs Classroom Supplies List

Everyone -1- Jump Drive: Minimum 8-16+ GB. MUST BE NEW – not used, please have it attached to a lanyard with your child’s name on it! Also 1 standard size clipboard with your child’s name on it.

1st & 2nd Grades:-Everyone needs a set of binder dividers-Class supplies- package of colored Sharpie markers &, 1 ream of Neon light green copy paper, 1 box of Kleenex

3rd Grade: Everyone needs a composition book – Class supplies- 1 pack of antibacterial wipes, 3 rolls of Scotch tape

4th Grade: Everyone needs a composition book – Class supplies- package of glue sticks, and package of highlighters

Class Donation– Gift Cards: Visa, Walmart, Michael’s, and/or Target gift cards or cash donation to be used to acquire items we need for projects during the year.

Wish List: Extra Special Donations Needed

Legos –all types

Any science related items like microscopes, slides, books, kits

Small (dorm size) refrigerator with freezer section and a small microwave needed for experiments

Year-Round Donations: We Can ALWAYS Use More of These Items

Sharpie markers, Play dough /Model Magic/Kinetic sand

Clorox wipes, ERASEABLE colored pencils, large Ziploc baggies, Kleenex, Scotch tape

Thanks for all your help!

Ms. Harman

You can reach me at 407-903-7400

Best way-








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