Happy Holidays

It’s the end of 2014,where has the year gone!! Check out all the pictures!

Thank-you for the out of this world telescope, and other wonderful gifts.


Thank- you for giving me the chance to work with your child this year. It’s been an amazing experience, and I think I have learned just as much from them as they have from me.

Our holiday party was even turned into an  experiment, we took liquids, a little bit of solids,  a dash of crystals, and we created ice cream. Thanks to Mrs. Boxx for organizing the party, and to all of you for providing the ingredients and the help in creating this awesome experience.Recipe is located at  Make-Ice-Cream-with-a-Bag at http://www.wikihow.com

1st Grade
1st Grade
2nd Grade
2nd Grade


3rd Grade
3rd Grade
4th Grade
4th Grade

2014 12 17_57072014 12 17_57092014 12 17_5771

Thank-you Mrs. Boxx your a super room mom!!!


We been busy with all sorts of activities.We have been studying Matter. Do you know there are 4 types ask your child what they are. Also have  them  tell you the  8 different types of properties that matter can be classify by.

IMAG4418 (2) IMAG4421The joys of Oobleck  (cornstarch and water)IMAG4424 IMAG4427

We finished our constellation ceiling tiles,and they even glow in the dark.IMAG4425 IMAG4422 IMAG4420

What are the similarities and differences of  Oobleck, Kinetic sand, and snow ?

       See you all next year!!!






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