Lights,Rainbows,and Magnets

Welcome to Emily in 1st grade who has joined our growing family.

Next quarter one of  our Service projects will be to help raise money for the Special Olympics Polar Plunge at Sea World.We have some brave teachers willing to jump into that icy water! Our job will be to help raise the money to support them. We will have donation cans set up in the morning by grades,so save your change for your child to bring in. This will start on Wednesday,January 21st. Special Olympics Florida - Polar Plunge

It’s been another busy week at the pond! 1st graders were busy learning about  and creating rainbows. Do you know how many colors rainbows really have?


Rainbows are everywhere!
Rainbows are everywhere!

Do you know how to make an electromagnet? Fourth graders were busy trying this out. It’s not as easy as they thought!


Radio Shack sells these
Radio Shack sells these



It works!
It works!


Girls just want to have fun!!

This was fun! Radio Shack sells them.
Which device goes faster? It all depends!

3rd grade was busy bringing in their experiments relating to motion and matter.


Oh my magnets everywhere!
Oh my magnets everywhere!

While 2nd grade was learning about magnets.

We are finishing up this quarter today,can you believe it we are half way thru the school year! report cards will be out on the January 30th.

Next quarter we will be studying about the different areas of Life Science.

Have a great long weekend!







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