What do red, green, and blue light make?

White light of course!
White light of course!

4th Grade is continuing with the study of energy.

Light prisms
Light prisms


Working with different types of prisms.


1st Grade is starting a new unit on living and non living things.

Do you know where your liver is?
Do you know where your liver is?

2nd Grade will be starting on the body.

Do you know all the parts of a plant?
Do you know all the parts of a plant?

3rd Grade is starting the study of plants.


We just received this for our work in raising over $300. for UNICEF.

Way to go Frogs!
Way to go Frogs!

Also, thanks to all my hard working Frogs for raising over $100. from the students for the Polar Plunge!!

To date we have raised almost $1,500 for charities this year!!!

Pack 84
Pack 84

Congratulations to Cub Scout Pack 84 who lead the Pledge  during Scout Week celebrating the 85 year of Cub Scouting.We have many boys in the Scouting program that are in our class,even me!

Have a wonderful weekend!






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