Party Time, and only 55 school days till we meet again!

The future scientist of the world!
The future scientist of the world!

It’s been a wonderful Year! Thank-you for all your help and support this year! Special thanks to Mrs. Boxx who is awesome room parent , who made this year exciting! She made a special book for me of all of our learning adventures. You can contact her if you would like one.

My Wonderful book of memories thanks to Ms. Boxx
My Wonderful book of memories thanks to Ms. Boxx

We ended the year with an ice cream Hawaiian  party!

1st grade party time
1st grade party time
2nd grade part time
2nd grade part time


3rd grade party time
3rd grade party time
4th grade party time
4th grade party time
4th grade Mentos rocket
4th grade Mentos rocket

My special 4th graders, I will miss all of you next year as you go on to a new adventure. Good Luck!


We planted an avocado plant in the garden to remember them by.

Well I will see you all in about 55 school days or about 11 weeks in our new room upstairs Room 221, we even have a view of the lake, and WOW windows!!!

Have a spectacular summer!


Ms. Harman






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