Bridges/Mr. Fox’s Visit

Well our study of bridges is coming to an end.We have been very busy working on our  Gifted Frameworks in the Research and Exploration and Leadership Skills areas.We also covered the NGSS Science standards for Big Idea 1 -The Practice of Science which include investigations,experiments,and using science tools.

4th grade- Will this work?
4th grade- Will this work?
1st - building a cardboard bridge
1st – building a cardboard bridge
2nd- Will it hold up?
2nd- Will it hold up?
2nd Grade suspension bridge
2nd Grade suspension bridge
5th Grade bridges
5th Grade bridges
1st grade winners held up 650 grams of weight on their bridge!
1st grade winners held up 650 grams of weight on their bridge!


Yesterday ,we had a wonderful guest speaker come in.Mr. Fox talked to us about being a mechanical engineer, and the fun of robotics. So if your child wants to make a robot you know where it came from!

Mr. Fox talking to 2nd grade
Mr. Fox talking to 2nd grade
5th grade learning how to make computer generated items
5th grade learning how to make computer generated items
Light that changes with the the levels of sound. 3rd Grade loved it
Light that changes with the the levels of sound.
3rd Grade loved it

Our next adventure is Space,so stay turn we will be asking  the question what really is out there?






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