Space Projects

Gifted Frameworks Goals: Leaderships skills-observe leadership skills in individuals and situations

Don’t forget to send in  your permission forms for our exciting Field Trip!

Rockets, Space projects, and learning about rocks. We are busy!

Working with our robotic arms
Working with our robotic arms
How many types of rocks are there?
How many types of rocks are there?
Shifting rocks for minerals
Shifting rocks for minerals


Look what we found!
Look what we found!
Creating paper rockets
Creating paper rockets


Our space projects rock!
Our space projects rock!


We designed Power Points,so we could teach the rest of the class about Space
We designed Power Points,so we could teach the rest of the class about Space

IMAG62404th IMAG62434th IMAG62444th IMAG62454th

Next week, we will be shooting off our rockets and having fun with pumpkins.






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