This week 12/9

Only 10 days left! 

Progress Reports came home on Friday. Please sign and return.

We will be taking the Unit 2 Reading Test on Thursday and Friday…So no Spelling Words for this week.In math we are starting money and time. (see homework tab for current homework)

I will be out Tuesday and Wednesday to attend a Common Core Institute,I will check my emails daily.Mrs. Mendes will be here, and she is familiar with our class and the way we work.

This week is Box Top Spirit Week, and tomorrow is Crazy Sock day.

Wednesday – Sport Team Day

Thursday – Backwards Day

Friday – Freaky Fun Friday (Not too sure what this means exactly….) I guess dress freaky!!

Coming Up:

Wednesday – Field Trip to Howard Middle School

Thursday, December 19th – Winter Class Party (1:30-3:00)

*You must have completed an ADDitions Application online to come, and siblings are not allowed at this event.

Have a Wonderful Week!








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