Next week 1/27 Updates

Parents please remember a note must come from home if there is a change in how your child goes home. Also please email me with any changes that might happen during the day. I do need to hear from you before noon.

Ms. Murphy (our intern) is starting to teach some of the classes and grade papers under my supervision.This is her senior internship and she will graduate from UCF in May. She is doing a wonderful job!

Information about Math Night on Tuesday, January 28th went home this week.  This event is being held at Sand Lake from 6:30-8:00.  There will be lots of stations that will be fun for everyone! Everyone should plan on attending.

Do you like to dance?

Sand Lake is having its first , on First Stingray Dance-A-Thon, February 7th!  The information for this event was also send home. Start collecting your donation now!

Coming Up:

Friday, January 24th (Today) – Report Cards Go Home

Friday January 31- 100th Day of School!!! Can you believe it!

Monday February 3-Black History Report Due February is Black History Month and we will be studying the contributions that African Americans have made.







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