Women’s History Report/Dr. Seuss Day

Just a update this is going home today.

                              March is Women’s History Month

It is time to be creative!  Your assignment is to creatively present a well-researched report on (your child has a book on who the report is on)

                                           Due date March 3rd 

Develop a unique way to share with your class, information about your ‘woman of the month’.  Some examples for creative presentation are: acting out the person (with written dialogue), making a hanging figure display, a diorama with a written report, a skit (with dialogue written out like a play), collage (with captions), a written and illustrated mobile…the opportunities are endless.  Please note that all presentations must have written work which includes the following information:

  •  name boldly displayed with picture and caption
  •  birth date, birth place, death (if applicable) and early family life
  •  educational background
  •  contributions this person has made to other people, the environment, or the world
  •  why it is important to learn about this person
  •  extra interesting facts you have learned
  •  timeline ~ important events in that person’s life 

Your presentation must be written in complete sentences with  your words spelled correctly.  You must capitalize and punctuate correctly.  Note, even if you choose to dress and give a speech like the character, you must have a written script with all of the above information. Have fun and be creative!

March 3 is also Dr Seuss Day!! Please let your child dress up like a Dr. Seuss character and bring their favorite Dr. Seuss book.






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