Spring Break,Pizza,Science Fun


Wow it’s been a crazy week!!

Thanks to all of you that donated food for Olympia’s Food Drive. Our class WON!! the pizza party today for the most cans.


Thanks to Sea World and Aryn’s mom for the wonderful lunch bags that your child is bringing home today. Check out Sea World’s Just Kids programs Saturdays,March 22-April 12.

Ask your child if they think mostly with their left brain or right brain. You might be surprised! We did an experminent today to find out.

Right-brain characteristics include creativity, the ability to see patterns, spatial awareness, and the understanding of how things relate to one another in different contexts. You may find that individuals with this brain dominance are good at recognizing faces, places, and objects These individuals seem to “have a knack for”:
“Out-of-the-box” thinking
Art, including the ability to draw, paint, sculpt, etc.
Imaginative thinking
Music, including the ability to play instruments with ease or to recognize a song melody and play it back upon “hearing it”

Keep in mind that “right-brained” individuals may exhibit one or several of these traits.

Left-brain characteristics include a gift for language, analytical skills, and mathematical concepts such as time and sequence. You may find that individuals with this brain dominance are good with letters,numbers, and words (Sousa, 1995, p. 88). These individuals seem to “have a knack for”:

Language skills including reading, writing, and speaking
Logic and reasoning

Keep in mind that “left-brained” individuals may exhibit one or several of these traits.

We have a great mixture of both, with the right side being slightly ahead.

Have a wonderful time during Spring Break, but please make sure your child continues to read nightly.

Notes from the Nurse

Please read below on Lacerations.  This is a good one to keep with the first aid kit.

We have been sore throat crazy around here!!!  This continues to be the biggest complaint.  (I even had to get cultured last week the pain was so bad!)  When they complain check for redness/white patches/level of pain, and please have your child evaluated by a doctor for Strep Throat (which is a contagious bacterial infection that requires antibiotics).  We continue to get 1-2 students per week testing positive for Strep.

Please read the attachment about FREE School-Required Immunizations that are being done over spring break.  I hope some of you are able to take advantage of the event.

Thank you to ALLLLL of the volunteers and PTA members we have at SLE!!!  We had a wonderful Teacher Appreciation lunch today, catered by our Partner In Education: Walt Disney World Swan and Dolphin Resort.  We could not do all the work we do here without the many, many contributions our volunteers and PIE partners make to the students and staff!!!  Please know how much you are all appreciated right back! J

With the joy of spring break next week, comes the FCAT following right beyond.  Continue to work with your children over the break on activities to prepare for testing.  “Never let them see you sweat!”…..if you stay positive, your children will stay positive and focused.   Remind them they are ready!!  J

I wish you peace and wellness.  J Nurse Gina






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