Gingerbread,UNICEF,Space all in one

It’s November already!!



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It’s been a busy time around the old frog pond. Thank-you to all the parents who supported your child in raising money for the Gingerbread Run  or UNICEF. We raised all together $1,080 for Give Kids The World and $300. for UNICEF. The money we raised for UNICEF allowed us to donate A School in a Box,so children can go to school anywhere,600 vaccines for measles,soccer balls, and a bikes to help deliver medicines.

Thanks again for helping to support your child in learning on how to become a world citizen and caring about others.

What’s up in class??


Jello earthquakes and erupting volcanoes were the rage.IMAG3998

A special thanks to our room mom Mrs. Boxx who made our volcano for us with the help of her sons Liam and Kai.

Currently in class, Space has taken over the classroom with spectacular models of the planets,constellations, and astronaut reports. We even got to look through a telescope at Movie Night and see the moon. Thanks to Mr. Boxx for lending us the telescope.You can check out our hallway for all the excitement!

In December we will start working on what  Matter is .Do you know the 4 types of matter?




Last call for any one interested in being on the Sand Lake Odyssey of the Mind team. If you need more information,please contact me.



Have a wonderful weekend!!






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