100th day of school! /Special Olympics

Special Olympics Florida - Polar Plunge

This quarter one of  our Service projects will be to help raise money for the Special Olympics Polar Plunge at Sea World. We have some brave teachers willing to jump into that icy water! Our job will be to help raise the money to support them. We will have donation cans set up in the morning by grades, so save your change for your child to bring in. This will start on Monday,February 2nd.

Can you believe it’s the 100th day of school already!! Only 80 more school days.

Future Scientist celebrating the 100 days of school
Future Scientist celebrating the 100 days of school
4th Grade was the only grade to get all 100 dominoes to line up
4th Grade was the only grade to get all 100 dominoes to line up

As usual we have had a busy week at the pond. We are studying force and motion.

What type of force are we using.
2nd Grade-What type of force are we using?
3rd Grade dominoes forces
3rd Grade dominoes forces

4th Grade testing out design ideas of planes

4th Grade testing out design ideas of planes and air pressure


Potato clock we can find energy in interesting items.

Thank-you for all your emails about my little hospital stay. I am feeling better. I explained to the students it was like a hamster on a wheel who just takes it easy at first, then decides to start run faster and faster till it final collapses.So the doctors put me on heart medicine to help regulate it. You should be proud that you have such caring children since everyone of them asked if I was OK.







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