Plants and Hearts

Hi from the Frog Pond,

Plants are everywhere!! Being in a room with no windows and growing plants can be a challenge. If you have a extra desk lamp that we could borrow,please let me know. We will be going to the garden soon and planting a patch out there as well, so if you have any extra vegetable seeds please send them in.

We have a sprout!!
We have a sprout!!


Making flower models
Making flower models



Science games on the internet – go to the Sand Lake website then to media tab, go to Destiny then scroll down to Science Kids-lots of wonderful games and info. The kids love it!


The parts of a heart are..
The parts of a heart are..

2nd grade is continuing it’s study of the human body,this week it was all about the heart.Does your heart beat faster when you run or walk?

Next week we will beginning our study of the different types of animals in all grades. Start helping your child cut out pictures of different types of animals for our giant animal breakdown board.

Have a great weekend.






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