Butterflies/Stingray garden projects/Mia

We have started our study of the life cycle of a butterfly. We are watching Painted Ladies caterpillar go thru their life cycle.

Butterflies here we come!
Butterflies here we come!
Life cycle of a frog and butterfly
Life cycle of a frog and butterfly


Painted Lady caterpillars a few days old
Painted Lady caterpillars
a few days old
1 week later
1 week later
Starting to turn into pupas
Starting to turn into pupas

Today their started forming their pupa’s.

                                      Stingray Garden

We also were involved in the Girl Scout and Boy Scout garden project. Many of our students were their helping out-Lily, Liam, Kia,Logan, Colby  We also planted butterfly plants in out section of the garden that our beans are growing in.

Working in the Stingray garden
Working in the Stingray garden
Planting our butterfly plants
Planting our butterfly plants
How many plants do we need to plant??
How many plants do we need to plant??
Liam telling everyone about endanger animal
Liam telling everyone about endanger animal

                                                      Mia’s Day

Wednesday we help support Mia by dressing in red or Frozen items. Mia is a special friend of ours who had heart surgery. Mia is doing fine and is recovering.

1st grade supporting Mia
1st grade supporting Mia
3rd grade supporting Mia
3rd grade supporting Mia

Well another busy week, we are continuing our study of life cycles and animal habitats. Don’t forget everyone has an animal project due on Monday to help celebrate Earth Day.






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