Orlando Eye/Sealife Field Trip

Gifted Frameworks-Questioning-Questioning in various areas of study

Wow, this week was filled with so many activities! Our field trip to Sealife and the Orlando Eye was a huge success due in part to all the wonderful chaperons that we had. You all did an awesome job! A special thanks to Mrs. Boxx who created the student and chaperons lists, and Mrs. Whitty and Mr. Levine for being the team captains for the groups.

Our fearless Group Leaders- Mrs. Whitty ,Mr. Levine,and Mrs. Boxx
Our fearless Group Leaders-
Mrs. Whitty,
Mr. Levine,and Mrs. Boxx

I have a few pictures from the trip, if you have more please send them to me  so we can include them in out memory book at the end of the year.

You can even see the school from the Eye

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We’re doing ok

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