Category: News

  • The Three Little Pigs/Open House/Makers Faire

    What am I talking about? We are currently working on a STEM project called The Three Little Pigs. We have been using different materials to learn about structures. The goal is for the teams to build a house out of 3×5 cards that will withstand the big bad wolf blowing it down. The children are…

  • Acid + Base =?

    It’s been a busy week at the pond. We discovered that Legos and Kinetic sand have something in common. If you mix baking soda and vinegar together interesting things happen.It’s important  to make sure you use the right amount of material when doing an experiment ,or it won’t be valid. Sounds like fun to me!…

  • It’s almost here! Gifted starts on Tuesday

      Are you ready to find out what’s new in Gifted this year?? I would like to welcome our newest frogs to the pond- Alexia,Isabella,Taylor,Peyton,Emma,Brianna,Kyle,Siena,Leah,Sofia,Alexia Victor,Eera,Tyler,Arthur,Pragya,Arnav,Annabelle,Juam,Aidan,Miles I look forward to seeing you next week,please remember to bring a new composition book  to class. Parents please let me know if you are receiving this,I am trying…

  • It’s School Time!!

    It was wonderful seeing all of you at Meet the Teacher yesterday! I’m looking forward to a awesome year.We have lots of new and exciting things happening. In case you missed it here at the updates: 1. Your child will be attending Gifted science everyday  (YEAH),and we added 5th grade to the frog pond. 9:00-9:30- 1st…

  • Welcome back to a new school year!!!

    Welcome Back!!!!                                                    Hope you all had a wonderful summer. I’m looking forward to seeing you all next week. If you come to Open House on Thursday ,please come visit in…

  • Party Time, and only 55 school days till we meet again!

    It’s been a wonderful Year! Thank-you for all your help and support this year! Special thanks to Mrs. Boxx who is awesome room parent , who made this year exciting! She made a special book for me of all of our learning adventures. You can contact her if you would like one. We ended the…

  • We are busy!

    Tracy Boxx did a wonderful job on my banner for Teacher Appreciation Week Tracy Boxx won for OCPS  ESE Volunteer of the Year, and Tracy Feucht OCPS PTA Volunteer of the Year. We have AWESOME parents!!! Our top AR ‘s Victoria,Liam,Rachel,Elan Our beans that we had planted a few weeks ago have now developed their…

  • Animal Service Project

    We have been studying animals, and we thought the perfect service project this quarter  was  collecting dog and cat items for an animal rescue center. These are items requested from the shelter: Dog Donations: -Tennis Balls -Rope Toys -Soft Training Treats -Kong Toys all sizes -Kong Stuffin’ -New/Used Leashes, Collars, and Harnesses of all sizes…

  • The Butterflies Are Here

    We released our butterflies this week  in the garden! We still have more caterpillars and butterflies to come! Have a wonderful weekend and look out for our new friends.

  • Caterpillar to Chrysalis

    Our butterflies are growing! The beans are growing!!                                                      We love working in groups. We are finishing up our lessons, and then we are  starting  STEM lessons.