Category: News

  • Happy Valentine’s Day

                 Thank-You All for making this a wonderful Valentine’s Day!! Ms. Murphy and I just love all of our Valentine presents!! We hoped you liked your potpourri.We have been drying the oranges since  before Christmas. This started as a Science experiment and morphed into seeing how matter can change and…

  • Valentine Special

    It’s been a busy month so far!! I am sending home our class list for those special Valentines. Please make sure to include all the students in your cards giving.We will be making card holders this week for those special cards. Kids Care is selling Smencils for $1.00 to raise money for a pet rescue…

  • Next week 1/27 Updates

    Parents please remember a note must come from home if there is a change in how your child goes home. Also please email me with any changes that might happen during the day. I do need to hear from you before noon. Ms. Murphy (our intern) is starting to teach some of the classes and…

  • Updates

    Good Afternoon!  It is not too late…. I will be entering the Scholastic book orders this afternoon. So, if you would like to put in your order online you still have time. Due to the back-to-back 4-day school weeks, we will be extending the Reading story to next week. However, we will be taking the…

  • Rezoning Update!

    Sand Lake Elementary 8301 Buena Vista Woods Blvd. Orlando, Florida 32836  Phone (407) 903-7400            Fax (407) 903-7411  January 14, 2014 Dear Sand Lake Families, The Orange County School Board is considering rezoning proposals which will affect Sand Lake Elementary School.  As a member of the Sand Lake Elementary’s community, your involvement and input in…

  • We have another new friend.

    Hi, Welcome to Ms. Tracy Murphy,our intern from UCF. Ms. Murphy will be in our class until April when she graduates and goes onto being a teacher in her own class. Please say hi to her next time you come to visit.

  • Meet Liz

    Meet Liz are new pet Leopard Geiko Happy Friday! Wow today has been crazy! This morning we received a new class pet a Leopard Gekio which we have named Liz from Magic School Bus. If you happen to have a 20 gallon tank with a screen top  ,I am sure Liz would love to expand her…

  • Book Orders-Due 1/15

    Dear Families, Good news! This month’s Scholastic Reading Club flyers are ready for you to explore with your child. Children read more when they choose their own books, so I encourage you to look at the flyers together. Each flyer is filled with curated, affordable books and Storia eBooks that are just right for our…

  • Welcome Back 2014

    WOW  It’s  2014 Where has the year gone! First off I hope everyone had a wonderful break. Secondly,we have added a new frog to our pond so everyone please welcome Campbell . His family is one of the families that have moved into the new homes. Please remind your child that a jacket is going…

  • Break Time!!!

    Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to everyone!! We had a wonderful party yesterday .Thanks to all the parents who came out! Have a safe and restful holiday time. Please make sure your child keeps reading during the break! We are working on money and will be starting time so it’s important to keep working with…