Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Spring Break,Pizza,Science Fun

    Wow it’s been a crazy week!! Thanks to all of you that donated food for Olympia’s Food Drive. Our class WON!! the pizza party today for the most cans. Thanks to Sea World and Aryn’s mom for the wonderful lunch bags that your child is bringing home today. Check out Sea World’s Just Kids programs…

  • New 100 points AR Winner!

      Great Job Mira Last day for AR goal points is Wednesday,March 19th We currently have over half our class on track to make a 100 points by the end of the year! Our class has won every month for the most class AR points for 2nd grade!! Don’t forget…. Tomorrow is Picture Day for individual…

  • Splitsville Photos

  • Women’s History/Splitsville Party

    Here are just a few of the wonderful Women’s History Projects!! Don’t forget the Splitsville party tomorrow. Please be there by 10 AM with your  socks on.Let’s see which team will win, Ms. Harman vs Ms. Murphy.

  • Dr Seuss Fun

                                                 It was a wonderful day in Seuss Land!! We learned cool facts about Dr Seuss,did a character study on the Cat In The Hat,created hats,and read some of our favorite stories. It’s been…

  • Dr Seuss Day,Women’s History, Splitsville Party

    Don’t forget Monday is Dr Seuss Day-You child should bring their favorite Dr Seuss book with them . If they wish they can dress up as a Dr Seuss character or wear a Dr Seuss shirt. Women’s History Reports are also due on Monday!!!!! Be creative in this project!! If you haven’t confirmed for the…

  • Splitsville Party

    We have a date for our bowling party at Splitsville Lanes at Disney!                             Saturday, March 8th from 10:30-12:30 Ms. Murphy and I look forward to our class party with our students! Splitsville will be providing the shoes,pizza,and drinks for our class.…

  • Women’s History Report/Dr. Seuss Day

    Hi Just a update this is going home today.                               March is Women’s History Month It is time to be creative!  Your assignment is to creatively present a well-researched report on (your child has a book on who the report is…

  • Our first AR 100 point reader

    Congratulations to Jerry for being our first 100 points reader!! We have a few more readers waiting in the wings with 80 points who will be next?? Progress Reports are going home today along with an AR update form .Please sign both and return on Monday.  

  • New Scholastic Books

    Dear Families, Good news! This month’s Scholastic Reading Club flyers are ready for you to explore with your child. Children read more when they choose their own books, so I encourage you to look at the flyers together. Each flyer is filled with curated, affordable books and Storia eBooks that are just right for our…

Got any book recommendations?