Personal Financial Commitment Fee (2nd Semester): Pay Here
Uniform Fee: Pay Here
Students who fail to pay for their by the deadline will have their fees converted to an obligation, which is the school’s official method of collecting overdue class fees. Fees are collected by teachers, but obligations are collected by the school media center.
- Obligations are paid to the media center in cash or by money order. Checks are not accepted.
- While a student has an obligation on their account, they will be limited from certain privileges. For example, they will be unable to buy tickets to Homecoming or Prom until the obligation is paid.
- Check your obligations and checked out materials using Destiny. Go to Find & click on Boone High School. Click on login button, top right corner. Username = student number (example-4801012345). Password = eight digit birth date (example – 010120013). Click on the My Info tab. This will show you everything your Brave has checked out from the Media Center / Textbook Center and any obligations they may have.
- Remember, all obligations must be cleared before purchasing prom tickets, parking decals, etc.