Here Comes Irma
|By: Maya Surrency and Intefada Lutfi
Get ready for Irma Florida! Hurricane Irma is now being considered a Category 3 hurricane and many places have been closing down due to the safety of the management.
Gas stations have been busy helping people fill their tanks to get out of town and get to safety.
Grocery stores are stocking and restocking all the food and water they can possibly provide for the people.
“If you live in any evacuation zones and you’re still at home, leave,” said Governor Rick Scott.
Scott warned Floridians at a news conference Thursday, “Do not try to ride out this storm… we can’t save you once the storm hits,” said Governor Scott.
But what if there is no time at all to leave and people are trapped, are our Edgewater Eagles prepared for the storm? A few of our students actually aren’t going to be leaving their homes for the storm.
“I do hope nothing bad happens and that everyone is safe, my family is ready for anything and I’m hoping everyone else is as well,” said junior Mahmoud Lutfi.
“I don’t believe anything will happen I feel like it will be just like the same experience like Hurricane Matthews, I do need to prepare for it but I am hoping everyone is safe,” said sophomore Jasmine Jarrett.
“It was difficult preparing because everything was empty and places were crowded with people,” said sophomore Valentina Pintos Fan. “My worst fear is for something to happen to my family.”
No one seems to know what to expect from Hurricane Irma.