Make Your New Year’s Resolution Count

Most of us make New Year’s resolutions, and set goals for the new year ahead. But let’s be honest, keeping those resolutions is a whole other story. According to Huffington Post, “only 8 percent of people actually keep their New Year’s resolutions.” Are you part of that eight percent, or is it easier to just say than do? We all should make this the year we stand by our New Year’s resolutions and make them happen. You can do anything you put your mind to. But remember to keep your goals realistic; you can’t keep a goal to learn a new language in a day, for example.  

I interviewed Sydnee Fox, asking if she keeps up with her New Year’s resolutions. She gave her honest response: “I tell myself that I am going to keep up with my resolutions, but I never do.” I think most of us can agree with her, the usual saying it, but not putting it into action. Her New Year’s resolution this year is to drink more water. The question, is will she keep up with it? How many of us will keep up with our resolutions and make it happen this year?  She did admit she is uncertain if she can keep her resolution this year. But whether you think you can or you can’t, you’re right. So put on a positive attitude and try your best, this could be the year you stick true to your resolutions.    

When you make a New Year’s resolution you should try your best to stand by it. Set your goal, and make an outline for it, for example, when will you achieve it, how much time a day are you going to dedicate to reaching your goal, etc. Stay focused on your goal, if you say you are going to workout in the new year and get in shape, then instead of sleeping or playing on your phone all day do something active, jog, or join a workout program that works for you. Make it happen, figure out a plan to keep up with your goals and put them into action. You might even benefit from it more than you thought.

This year, try sticking to your 2018 resolutions. Let 2018 be the year you put things into action; new year means new beginnings, and that means new chances. After all, the only time success comes before work is in the dictionary.




