Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Physician Assisted Suicide

    Physician Assisted Suicide

    by Maureen Ngigi [Physician Assisted Suicide (PAS) is a heavy and emotional topic, because people refuse to give up on their loved ones and choosing this option for is just too painful. PAS is an option that allows a physician to prescribe medication that ends up killing the patient but with their knowledge. It is…

  • Must See Movies of March

    Must See Movies of March

    by Meleena Mohammed Greetings and Salutations! Here are the movie releases for the month of March, where we highlight the most anticipated movies, like Ready Player One and Love, Simon, so you know what movie you’re seeing the next time you go to the theatre. Red Sparrow Rated R (March 2nd) Jennifer Lawrence is the…

  • Poland’s New Bill Aims to Erase History

    Poland’s New Bill Aims to Erase History

    by Heysha Garcia-Melendez The Polish President, Andrzej Duda, signed a bill titled “The Holocaust Bill”. This bill states that you can’t blame Poland for any crimes that happened during the Holocaust. This will prohibit you from saying things like “Polish death camps” and if you do, you can get up to 3 years of prison…

  • Behind the Curtains: Spring Musical Prep

    Behind the Curtains: Spring Musical Prep

    by Isabella Fishbough James and the Giant Peach is this year’s spring musical brought to you by Freedom’s Performing Arts. Many months of casting, preparing, building, rehearsing, and creating go into making Freedom’s musicals a possibility. The entire process is tiring for not only the cast, but the crew as well. This year the tech crew…

  • Trump’s New Infrastructure Plan

    Trump’s New Infrastructure Plan

    by Michael Gamboa President Trump unveiled his new infrastructure plan on February 12th. Trump plans to create 1.5 trillion dollars to help repair and upgrade American infrastructure.  The federal government is giving Trump $200 billion of the 1.5 trillion; the rest will come from state and local government. The states have been responsible for funding…

  • Second Annual National Day of Racial Healing

    Second Annual National Day of Racial Healing

    by Zarai Travis              The conversation needs to happen. The open conversation of the evocative racial divide in America that still exists today. The W.K Kellogg Foundation has paved a way to make that happen in hopes of healing wounds of conscious and unconscious bias towards race, ethnicity, and religion with the National Day of…

  • Top Romance Movies You Should Watch for Valentine’s Day

    Top Romance Movies You Should Watch for Valentine’s Day

     We all know that Valentine’s is coming up. This is the chance for every couple or yet-to-be couples, to give their girlfriend, boyfriend or crush, chocolate. And it is also the perfect time for everyone who are fans of romantic movies to binge. If you are not a fan of romantic movies or you are a fan…

  • Review: Amazon Echo, Second Generation

    Review: Amazon Echo, Second Generation

    by Thiago Rego Amazon released the newest Amazon Echo in November, 2017. This newest version is much more efficient and smaller at half the price. A much better version of the Echo first generation launched three years ago in June 23, 2015. Amazon have been improving each of their products more and more every year.…

  • Patriot Playlist Oldies

    Patriot Playlist Oldies

    by Lucy Armstrong As our generations become more and more inclined to technology so does the music that comes along with them. Music nowadays has moved away from the more creative instrumental works and into more “electric” sounds. Music prior to the twenty first century has so much feeling that it just makes you want…

  • Electrical Virtual Reality Suit

    Electrical Virtual Reality Suit

    by Jose Roca There is a new and amazing invention of a Virtual Reality suit coming out that is able to make you feel the pain, pressure and twitches that your character experiences during a video game. The world’s first Virtual Reality suit is about to be released. This suit is called the Teslasuit and…

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