Classroom Blog

Hello Winegard parents!

Welcome back to the 2018-2019 school year. I have enjoyed spending the last week getting to know your child. We spent this week getting back into the routine of being in school. We worked to learn the classroom rules and routines. We also learned how to be bucket fillers and not bucket dippers. (See video on the “Look what we’re learning page”. I have almost finished with my initial assessments of the students and I will be getting in touch shortly to notify you of any academic concerns I may have.

As we progress through the year, there are a few reminders I would like you to keep in mind to help things go smoothly this year.

* Students should always wear closed-toed shoes to school. It is especially necessary to wear proper footwear on P.E. days (Monday, Thursday, and Friday), but it is also safer to wear closed-toed shoes for playing at recess too.

* Students will have homework every week beginning August 22nd. Their homework folders will be due back every Friday. It is very important that students complete their own classwork. You may read the directions for them, but have them do it in their own writing. (Yes, I have had parents in the past who have completed their student’s homework. This is not acceptable.)

*Please discuss with your child rules for good listening. This week we did have some difficulty with students who were talking and playing while the teacher was talking. I have rearranged some seats to hopefully help with this, but a conversation with you will definitely help too.

Thank you for everything you do. I look forward to our partnership as we work together to make this a successful year for your child. 🙂