
Welcome to our Class Website

Hi! My name is Mrs. Mitchell and I teach 4th Grade at Winegard Elementary, home of the Patriots. I have designed this website to be a useful place for myself to share the fun and adventures of our 4th Grade class. On this page you will find information about me, information about what we are learning, and links to student websites featuring games and activities that will provide extra skills practice for the things we are learning. There are also important links for parents to access frequently for school and district information. You will also find homework assignments, just in case the dog happens to eat the one I’ve sent home with your child. Laughing There is also a page dedicated to a photo gallery of classroom learning, as well as an events calendar that contains important dates, deadlines, and school events.

Please check the website often as I will be updating the homework and posting the classroom newsletter weekly.

I look forward to entering this educational partnership with you to make this a successful 4th Grade year for your child.