Homework Log and Fridge Notes August 27th

Homework Log August 27 PDF

Fridge Notes August 27th PDF

Additional Math Information: Here are some resources to help with this week’s math concepts:

1. http://www.abcya.com/interactive_100_number_chart.htm This is an interactive number grid website that allows you to use a virtual marker to color different patterns. You can have your child color all the numbers they say when they skip count by 2s, 5s, 10s, etc.

2. Thousand Number Grid (Parents) In class we will be using this document to create a thousand chart. You can print it off to make your own thousand chart to keep and refer to at home!

3. Here is a little refresher on some place value vocabulary:

The trickiest of these is expanded form, but it is also the most critical for developing a strong foundation in number sense. Expanded form focuses on the VALUE of each digit, which will come into play when we move onto more difficult math concepts later on in the year, such as regrouping.

Standard Form: 427
Expanded Form: 400 + 20 +7
Word Form: four hundred twenty-seven

And here’s a fun website to practice expanded form using the same format we use in class:


The homepage of the website is also listed on our “Tips and Links- Learning Resources” page because it looks has a ton of other fun math games.