Homework Log and Fridge Notes February 15th

Homework Log February 15 PDF

Challenge Spelling Words: Long-i Patterns (F)

Fridge Notes February 15

Congratulations to last week’s Principal’s Award winner, Benjamin!

This week we will kick-off our new math unit on money and time! We will begin by identifying the different coins and their values. Since counting coins is really a mental math skill, we will work on skip counting the coins in our head, beginning with the coin that has the greatest value. Developmentally speaking, money is one of the most difficult skills for 2nd graders. Luckily, money is also very applicable to real life, so there are plenty of opportunities to practice at home! Keep a piggy bank of loose change for your child to count. Or have your child count out the coins for you at the grocery store. Each of these little experiences will help your child feel more comfortable with the different coins and their values.

Here are some great websites for practicing money skills at home!


http://www.aplusmath.com/Flashcards/ (printable flashcards for a variety of math topics- scroll down to find the money set)


If you haven’t already done so, please complete the parent survey online. When you finish the survey, simply print a copy of the final screen stating that you have completed the survey and send it to school with your child. Each student who turns in this documentation will receive a special “Spirit Stick.”  This is also your chance to provide important feedback that will help us improve our school!
