Homework Log and Fridge Notes March 14th

Homework Log March 14 PDF

There are no new Challenge Spelling Words because we are reviewing our previous phonics patterns in preparation for the Benchmark Test.

Our “Juicy Word of the Week” is accept.

Fridge Notes March 14

We had such an amazing turnout  for our 2nd grade show Thursday night. Thank you so much for bringing your children back to school to participate in this special event. The students had the biggest smiles stretched across their faces when we got back to our classroom after the show and were beaming with pride. I know it is a night they will always remember!

This Friday, March 18th is a Teacher Workday, so there is no school. It also kicks off our week-long Spring Break! We will return to school on Monday, March 28th. Remember, Spring Break is a great opportunity to get a head start on AR reading for our last marking period!  It is hard to believe that we only have 9 weeks left in the school year!

Please note that in order to accommodate state testing, we will NOT have early release on the Wednesday we return from Spring Break, which is March 30th. It will be a regular school-day and students will be dismissed at 3:15.