Homework Log and Fridge Notes March 28th

Please note that in order to accommodate state testing, we will NOT have early release this Wednesday, March 30th. It full be a full day of school and students will be dismissed at 3:15.  This will occur again on Wednesday, April 13th. 

This month is also filled with several changes to our daily schedule. Here are the changes for this week:


Specials: 10:45-11:25

Lunch: 11:30-11:55

Homework Log March 28 PDF

Challenge Spelling Words: Words that End with -er (F)

Our “Juicy Word of the Week” is prepare.

Fridge Notes March 28

This week your child is bringing home spring pictures. You have 3 options:

1. Send in money to purchase ALL of the pictures

2. Return ALL of the pictures

3. Purchase some of the pictures (send in money) and return the rest

Can you believe we are starting the last marking period of the school year?!?! At this point in the year, we begin preparing students to transition into 3rd grade work and expectations. Please make sure that your child is completing quality work at home, focusing on neatness, organization, spelling, punctuation, capital letters and grammar. It is also important to encourage your child to read all directions carefully before beginning an assignment.

Keep reading at home and building comprehension skills through retelling, asking questions, making connections and predicting. Reading comprehension is an area we make a big push in at this point in the year.

Report cards go home this Friday, April 1st. Please email me if you would like to schedule a conference.