Homework Log and Fridge Notes May 15th

Keep using iReady at home! Just 20 minutes of reading and 20 minutes of math per week will make such a difference! 

  1. Using Google Chrome, navigate to https://launchpad.classlink.com/ocps.
  1. Enter your username and password, and click “Sign In.”
  1. Click on the “iReady” icon. If necessary, retype the user name and password used above.
  1. Click on the “Reading” or “Math” icons and begin the lesson!


Remember, we are done with spelling words and Homework Logs for the school year.  The Chapter 11 Math Review will be homework on Thursday and we will take the test on Friday.  Keep reading every night and working on iReady. 

Fridge Notes May 15 PDF

I apologize for not having our special math projects posted on the blog this week. We’ve been having some technical difficulties posting them, but I hope to figure it soon!


To coordinate with the final Book Fair of the school year, we will be hosting Camp Read-A-Lot Thursday, May 18th from 5:30-7:30. In addition to extended Book Fair hours, there will also be literacy-focused games and activities. Our class will also be hosting our lemonade stand to benefit the Coalition for the Homeless of Central Florida during this event. The kids are encouraged to stop by anytime between 5:00 and 7:30 to “work a shift” at our lemonade stand. 

Our class’ “Music Show and Tell” date will also be on Thursday, May 18th during our regular Specials time (9:45-10:25).  Students can bring in instruments, pianos books, or their own music. Ms. Buckley is allowing iPods and iPads for electronic music, but HIGHLY recommends CDs instead since they have a lower replacement value if something were to happen.  If students plan to have the class listen to a song from the radio, that song needs to be pre-approved.  Instruments, singing a cappella (meaning no background music), books, and kid songs do not need to be approved.