Homework Log and Fridge Notes May 8th

Keep using iReady at home! Just 20 minutes of reading and 20 minutes of math per week will make such a difference! 

  1. Using Google Chrome, navigate to https://launchpad.classlink.com/ocps.
  1. Enter your username and password, and click “Sign In.”
  1. Click on the “iReady” icon. If necessary, retype the user name and password used above.
  1. Click on the “Reading” or “Math” icons and begin the lesson!


Last week was our final set of spelling words and also our last Homework Log!  Math worksheets will continue to come home (although not necessarily every day), but we are winding down to enjoy the end of a truly wonderful year! Keep reading every night and working on iReady. 

Fridge Notes May 8 PDF


I had such a wonderful and special Teacher Appreciation week. All of the flowers, treats and cards were so thoughtful and it was fun being showered with all my favorite things. Thank you all for making me feel so appreciated and valued! I really think I have the BEST job and I truly enjoy coming to work each day!


2nd grade will have its Field Day this Wednesday, May 10th. We would like all the students to wear their gray “Team 2nd Grade” shirts.  There will be water games, so please send your child to school wearing clothes and shoes that can get wet. Boys may wear swim trunks and girls may wear bathing suits under clothing that is in dress code. Please also apply sunscreen at home. Here are some other things to send to school with your child:
•water bottle
•dry change of clothes
•bag to put wet clothing in

We also have several schedule changes this week to accommodate the Field Day schedule. 

Tuesday, May 10th

Lunch 11:32-11:57

Music 1:25-2:10

Thursday, May 11th

Lunch 10:57-11:22

MAP Testing 11:50-12:50

P.E. 1:30-2:10


We’ve been learning all about roller coasters and found some cool links the kids wanted to explore more at home:




To coordinate with the final Book Fair of the school year, we will be hosting Camp Read-A-Lot Thursday, May 18th from 5:30-7:30. In addition to extended Book Fair hours, there will also be literacy-focused games and activities. 

Our class’ “Music Show and Tell” date will also be on Thursday, May 18th during our regular Specials time (9:45-10:25).  Students can bring in instruments, pianos books, or their own music. Ms. Buckley is allowing iPods and iPads for electronic music, but HIGHLY recommends CDs instead since they have a lower replacement value if something were to happen.  If students plan to have the class listen to a song from the radio, that song needs to be pre-approved.  Instruments, singing a cappella (meaning no background music), books, and kid songs do not need to be approved.