Freshman elections were held on Friday, September 13. Students were preparing for the election by campaigning all around school. Candidates were trying to gain votes by posting on social media, wearing shirts around school, and creating posters and putting them around school. Many students were very excited to see the results of the election. The students that have decided to run for student council are Olivia Carey & Ava Jessum for president, Hailey Saunders for vice president, Emily Turoff & Gabriella Boriello for secretary, and Mallory Williams for treasurer. 

Excited. Freshman, Olivia Carey and freshman, Emily Turoff stand smiling after finishing their campaigns. Turoff said, “I have always wanted to run because I love being a part of my schools government, I have realized the importance of showing leadership, compassion, and school spirit. I want to encourage my freshman class to do the same.”

These candidates are providing support for their community and school by running for these positions. Freshman, Olivia Carey explained, “The reason I decided to run for office was because I want to have the desire to serve others and help my community. I want to be able to show my leadership skills and use those skills to help out with my school, church, friends, family, and community.” Many of these students participate in the elective “SGA” which helps them build leadership skills and learn how to serve their community. By taking part in this election, they are challenging their ability to provide the freshman class with the support they need by answering questions and encouraging them to get involved.

To get attention for their campaign, the candidates made clever slogans, for instance, freshman, Hailey Saunders which came up with the slogan, “Don’t Ponder vote for Saunders!” Another example of a clever slogan was from Carey, “This isn’t trivia vote for Olivia!” By making these comments they are hoping students will recognize their names and vote for them. Many students have different reasons on why they are running for council. Saunders explained why she wanted to run for Vice president, “I ran for vice president because I have many ideas for Timber Creek and I want to help the students that don’t have a voice of their own.”

The results of the election that occurred on the 13th was for president Ava Jessum, for vice president, Hailey Saunders, for secretary, Emily Turoff, and for treasurer, Mallory Williams. All candidates worked extremely hard on their campaign and overall contributed to the making of the student council.