Star runner Pierce Barron smiling after running his best this season. "We did really great as a team" Barron tells us.

What went on this season with the cross country boys? This was a season full of success and commitment from our boys advancing to regionals overall when placing 3rd in districts. We were able to get feedback from the coach and she told us “I am extremely blown away they’re a younger team this year and placed third completely did better than I expected and I am beyond proud”. The boys will be seen competing at their regionals meet this friday, and we wish them the best of luck!

While they are doing great this season we were able to have a word with two of the boys Donald Wright, and Matthew Xavier Smith. We asked the boys their highlight of the season and how they feel about the team. Wright was able to tell us “ It was a painful season but it was fun we got to bond with the new people, its also really important to have a good part of the herd or it will mess up your place in the race” and Smith told us “It’s a fun team it’s small but you get to know everyone. I really enjoyed running with them and traveling overall it was a really good season”. They both then went on to tell us the highlight of the season for them and this how they responded. Wright said “There was a meet in the beginning of the season and it started raining before and while the race took place making it more dramatic”, and Smith says “For me districts because I improved my time and ran a pr of 18.34”. We congratulate them both for their season.

The cross country boys had an excellent season this excelling through metros, districts, and moving forward with regionals. Another big highlight of the season was The Lake Mary invitational meet where the boys place 6th with 225 points. Coach Halsey also told us that “We had a lot of seniors last season so I am very proud”. The students on the team cannot wait for next season and hope to improve their times, and them overall as a runner. The season was full of dull and good moments.

We can’t wait for next season and to see what comes next in regionals. We hope the best for those running on friday, and are proud of those who have ran in the season. We can’t wait to see what next season in store for the team. We hope to see runners improve themselves, their times, and to see another great team!

Star runner Pierce Barron smiling after running his best this season. “We did really great as a team,” Barron said.