Team Bangarang was crowned Tournament Champions at the VEX Robotics Florida State Championship this weekend. This achievement earned both teams spots at the VEX Robotics WORLD Championship in Louisville, KY .These competitions require students to not only have a good understanding of STEM concepts, but they also require great organization, communication skills (written and verbal), creativity, and the ability to solve problems on the spot quickly.

Team Members:
Melinda Ramos – Team Captain
Andres Echeverri
Danny Velicu
Ethan Heagy
Dominic Schnaath
Matt Claudio
Jasmine Soto
Jonathan Dang
Jediel Melendez
Andry Canel
Mikki Von Schaumburg
Connor Mcgrath
Ethan Heetai

David Tomkins

For more information contact:

Jennifer Kane

Timber Creek High School

Engineering Department

RoboticsĀ  Coach and NTHS Advisor

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