The Blue and White House

By Jordan Jenkins

As the school year comes to a close, many of the institutions here at Apopka High School are already looking forward in preparation for the next, undergoing a transition as old students depart and new students prepare to join us. This process of change is most visibly seen in the elections for student leadership positions held annually around this time. A couple of weeks ago, the Apopka High School student body took part in this process, deciding who would hold office for the Student Government Association and on in the Sophomore, Junior, and Senior Class Councils. These elections saw the introduction of new student leaders who will play an integral role in the school environment in the upcoming year. The Blue and White spoke with some of these newly-elected students — specifically the president and vice president-elect of each of the student councils — and asked them what motivated them to pursue their positions and what they are most looking forward to accomplishing next year. 

Sophomore Class President – Amari Bridges

The thing that motivated me to run for SCC class president, was that I am always told that I am a very good leader and I always have had been good at keeping things in order. And I really have things that I wanted to do in high school and be class president is one of them and I promise to always do my best and put the best interests of the sophomore class first. 

The things that I am looking forward to accomplishing this year is getting the sophomore class council to achieve more, to have more accomplishments and to have it a lot more organized than it was. I hope to have the sophomore class this year the best that there is.

Sophomore Class Vice President – Alanna Jodharam

I was motivated by the changes I could potentially make to improve my class of 2021. I see how great AHS is, but I believe it could be even better. This gives me the opportunity to begin with contributing to something small and gaining experience for future challenges. 

I am looking forward to leaving a great impact on Apopka High School, I believe we have the potential to be the greatest we could possibly be. Specifically, I am excited to be more involved in my school and help others do the same. 

Junior Class Council Vice President-elect Jackson Davis (left) and President-elect Jackson Houvouras (right)

Junior Class Council President – Jackson Houvouras

I really wanted to run for JCC President because I felt that I was a capable leader and as a whole, I would be able to get more people to join Junior Class Council. I want it to be something every junior wishes they could be in.

Next year I’m obviously excited to organize prom, as that will be my first year actually going so, of course, I want it to go well, especially after I’ve received a lot of opinions about this year’s prom. Every day I have at least 5 people tell me to “make sure prom is lit next year.”

Junior Class Council Vice President – Jackson Davis

Jackson Houvouras and I were joking around and he brought up the idea that we both run for JCC president. I thought it was a great idea so I ran for the position.
I want to make prom great again.

Senior Class Council President – Simone Alfred

I decided to run for a student leadership position for two reasons: I really wanted to be able to represent every student in the senior class and give them a voice and I also wanted to push myself out of my comfort zone by taking a chance at something I may not be perfect at.

Next year, my main goal is to make sure that every single senior has an amazing year.

Senior Class Council Vice President – Kevin Osano 

I wanted to be a part of the unique experience of helping run the senior class. Throughout high school, I’ve always desired to apply my creativity and responsibility to my peers in an area where I can guide others and develop myself as a leader. Being in student leadership gives me the opportunity to make a promising impact as well as to be a beacon of positivity to my peers.

Becoming a senior and graduating is one thing that many teenagers look forward to throughout most of their adolescent life. Therefore, making that dream come true, satisfying that idealistic image of what an amazing senior year should be, is something that I am honored to take part in. I’m most looking forward to making new, unforgettable relationships and building my partnership skills, as we work together as our team of officers to deliver an excellent senior year to the class of 2019.