Category: Features

  • Does Homework teach responsibility

    Does Homework teach responsibility            By Ronald Andries Jr(12)   High School students are given a lot of homework to prepare themselves for the real world. With classes such as Pre-calculus , AP and IB students are hammered with homework but how much students actually do their homework? Teens who do their homework tend to…

  • Chasing Dreams senior discusses his future ans passions

    Chasing dreams   senior discusses his future and passions By: Julian Duque   April, 12, 2019 — Passion is a very strong emotion. It’s what drives people to pursue and this is no exception for senior, Kelly Excellent. He’s made it clear that in the future he wants to get into the military and be…

  • The Truth About After School

                                                               The Truth About After School Time Spent        The School days are long and rough, not something many students love doing; but how much…

  •   To What Extent

    Destiny Beckles                                                                          To What Extent          Homework has had the most controversy in school since the beginning!…

  • Children’s Story time

                                                                                Story Time: The Story          Creative Writing students took the role of being the…

  • How Border Patrol Is Turning Assylum Seekers Away

    How Border Patrol Is Turning Assylum Seekers Away

                                                                  How Border Patrol is Tuning Asylum Seekers Away.                                  …

  • Football Season Wrap-Up 2018-2019

                                                                                 Hitting the End Zone        As the football season reaches the end for Cypress, The…

  • My Personal Narrative

                                                                     June 9th,2017 By Vanessa Pinto   It was five in the morning on a Friday, I was woken up to the sound of my dog barking. You can imagine how confused I am, I get up to let my dog in the house and all of a sudden I hear voices in my parents’ bedroom.…