Spring Break “Stay-cation”
|With Spring break being one week away most of us are already anticipating the long days spent on the beach or road-tripping to an out of town music festival. But for some, the next week will only be an opportunity to catch up on some reading or binge watch that one show from 2008 you never had time for before now.
Spring break spent at home can still be exciting and tons of fun. Here are some of my surefire ways to make the best of a stay-cation and everything you will need to them.
1.Spend some time with you family
I know that sentence can make any teenager cringe but I highly suggest making the most of your break and hanging out with your family. High school is going by fast and soon life will make it harder to enjoy the company of your siblings and parents. Use this time as a chance to reconnect with your younger brother or sister with a trip to the park. Help you parents prepare a meal, in fact, get the whole family involved. Watch a movie together and spend a night in. These are all simple inexpensive solutions to the Spring Break blues.
2.DIY Day
For the crafter, I suggest a DIY day for all those the projects you’ve been planning to complete. In advance go out and purchase all the things you’ll need: paint, glue, brushes and stencils. Set up a workplace in or outside depending on how messy you’re planning on getting. And before you start don’t forget to invite your friends over who, like you, are also stuck at home for break. Work goes by faster with a partner and it’s an excuse to hang out.
3. Start a workout regimen
If you’re like me and you’ve put off any sort or exercise all winter Spring break is the perfect time to get back into a workout routine or give it a try. It can be as complex or simple as you want. There are plenty of local running trails and gyms in and around the College Park area. Or go old school and pop in a workout DVD and fail at those twisty yoga moves in the comfort of your own home. Just remember not to over work yourself and drink plenty of water.
4. Have a party
Odds are you aren’t the only person in your friend group spending break at home. Get together, laugh and blow off some steam. Parties can be as small or as large as you please. And preparing for one can be as easy as buying some chips and drinks and inviting some people over. Feeling fancy? Get your parents in on it and invite the neighborhood. Get the grill going and make some memories.
5. Have a field day
Go crazy and unleash that competitive beast within you. Round up the gang and partake in some playground classics like tag, tug of war, hide and seek in the dark etc. If it’s warm enough bring out the water guns and balloons splash the day away. For added fun go and purchase or make gag prizes and trophies for first place.
6. Attend the school Spring Break tutoring sessions
It sounds terrible, I know, attending school during our break but if you’re in town it won’t hurt to pop into at least one session. They’re offering mock exams, individual tutoring and study groups for core classes. Take some time to get ahead for the fourth quarter or prepare yourself for the upcoming AP exams.
There are still plenty of other things for you to do, but I think you get the idea. If sleeping till noon and eating your weight in strawberry banana frozen yogurt isn’t your idea of Spring Break well spent (it’s totally mine) give some of those ideas a try or make your own adventure. The point is to do what makes you happy.