Category: News

  • Amazon Planning to Deliver Packages to the Trunk of Cars

    Amazon Planning to Deliver Packages to the Trunk of Cars

    by Jose Roca   Amazon is planning to extend their Amazon Key Service which is now asking you to allow the delivery drivers to access your own house by using a compatible keypad and a smart security camera. Amazon announced on April 24th, 2018 that it was going to allow its drivers to access a…

  • Keeping a Tab on Trump

    Keeping a Tab on Trump

    by Heysha Garcia Melendez   Donald Trump, also known as the President of the United States of America, has been in office for a year. He has made some interesting decisions and has had some concerning moments so far. Throughout the entire year of 2017, he put in a traveling ban, typed up some questionable…

  • Freedom’s 2018 Multi-Cultural Fair

    Freedom’s 2018 Multi-Cultural Fair

    by Maureen Ngigi The multi-cultural fair was and is the only school event i actually loved attending. I have always enjoyed learning about different cultures ranging from music,food, and clothing. The fair for me was like exploring the world without traveling outside the country. Some of the stands for this fair were….     The Ecuador…

  • Neophyte Week

    Neophyte Week

    by Isabella Fishbough   Neophyte week is the one time of the year where all the new members of Freedom’s Drama Club are chosen by existing members, also known as masters, and have to dress up as a character every day of the week. Neophytes have to do this in order to induct to become…

  • Waffle House Shooting

    Waffle House Shooting

    by Meleena Mohammed On Sunday April 22nd in Antioch, Tennessee, there was yet another shooting; this time it was at a Waffle House and 4 people were killed, and according to Nashville police two were seriously wounded. The shooter–Travis Reinking, 29–escaped, and only after a long and frightening 34-hour-manhunt did police find and apprehend him,…

  • Volleyball Interview

    Volleyball Interview

    by Emily Almeida Volleyball, originally called “mintonette”, was invented by William G. Morgan in 1895. The game is supposed to be a combination of basketball, baseball, tennis, and handball. The boys volleyball team is known for their amazing spikes, sets and bumps. They have made their way to nationals and plan on doing it again this…

  • AP Exam Dates

    AP Exam Dates

    by Alejandra Colon Exam dates: May 7- AP Chemistry exam May 7- AP Spanish Literature exam May 7-AP Psychology exam May 8- AP Seminar exam May 8- AP Spanish language exam May 8- AP Art History exam May 8- AP Physics 1 exam May 9-AP English literature exam May 9-AP Japanese exam May 9-AP Physics…

  • Facebook Scandal

    Facebook Scandal

    by Thiago Rego On March 16, Facebook announced that Cambridge Analytica has been analysing the data of more than 50 million users. That action caused the company to lose 80 billion dollars in market value. Cambridge Analytica worked on Donald Trump’s presidential campaign. Other social medias such as Google and Twitter,  have been losing users…

  • HOW TO: Relax Before Finals

    HOW TO: Relax Before Finals

    By: Dianna Esguerra and Sashaly Bernard We all know finals aren’t a particularly fun time. You may feel like bawling your eyes out when you’re cramming all the information you chose not to process in the beginning of the year, but have no fear! The journalists are here to give you some quick relaxation tips,…

  • A Look Into Sexual Harassment on Campus

    A Look Into Sexual Harassment on Campus

    by Marissa Scales, Isabella Fishbough, and Zarai Travis-Batalla After hearing all of these people on our televisions, movies, and even in the news talking about sexual assault happening just about everywhere, it made us wonder if this goes on in our school and what happens if and when it does. We interviewed an on-campus officer,…