Category: News

  • Atmospheric CO2 Reaches Record Level

    Atmospheric CO2 Reaches Record Level

    by Adassa Coimin   The U.N. World Meteorological Organization (WMO) reports in its annual Greenhouse Gas Bulletin that the rate at which CO2 continues to increase in concentration in the atmosphere was 50 percent higher than the average of the past 10 years, in 2016. The report estimated that average concentrations of CO2 hit 403.3…

  • Net Neutrality: Why It Should Matter to You

    Net Neutrality: Why It Should Matter to You

    by Heysha Garcia Melendez; edited by Meleena Mohammed Net Neutrality: “Also called open Internet, says that Internet service providers should give people access to all legal content and applications on an equal basis, without favoring some sources or blocking others.” Basically it is saying that your internet providers can’t charge you more to go on…

  • Trip Around the World ~ Peru

    Trip Around the World ~ Peru

    by Alexandra Noblecilla Our school is full of students from different parts of the world. This feature will allow you to learn about their cultural background.         This trip will take place in the amazing country of Peru. I was able to find a student at our school who comes from this country and she was kind…

  • Club Spotlight: SGA

    Club Spotlight: SGA

    by Jayda Rodriguez   Here at Freedom High School we offer many different clubs and organizations for all students to join. The wide variety of options allow for students to meet new people, and leave their comfort zone. Some of these extra curricular activities include: Clubs Medical Club Debate Digital Gaming Club French Club Organizations…

  • Catalonia Splits from Spain

    Catalonia Splits from Spain

    by Taylor Brown Early in the month, Catalonia held a referendum to determine whether the region would declare independence.The Spanish government’s attempts to stop any referendum resulted in hundreds being injured during police raids and protests. What is Catalonia? Catalonia is a region is Spain with its own linguistic and cultural identity. The region possesses…

  • Catastrophe in California as Flames Spread

    Catastrophe in California as Flames Spread

    by Jose Roca 10/12/2017 Northern California is going through a very hard situation since flames are being spread throughout the whole state as winds keep getting stronger and stronger and flames getting bigger and bigger, the cause of this whole wildfire is unclear, since the fires keep starting late at night at about the same…

  • North Korea Added to Travel Ban

    North Korea Added to Travel Ban

    by Jose Roca The Trump Administration has decided to announce on Sunday, September 24th,2017, that 3 new countries have been added to the list of travel bans. One of the countries being North Korea, as a result of the tension that has been between the U.S.  and North Korea. Although North Korea has such a minimum…

  • Puerto Rico Struggles After Hurricanes

    Puerto Rico Struggles After Hurricanes

    by Arianna Rundberg On August 30th 2017, a day that everybody on the south was anticipating for, turned into the most devastating natural disaster that has occurred on the island of Puerto Rico, or as NPR’S Mary Lousie Kelly speaks to Associated Press reporter Danica Coto about the impact of hurricane Irma being the “strongest-ever…

  • Teacher Spotlight: Matthew Panzano

    Teacher Spotlight: Matthew Panzano

    by Meleena Mohammed This is the Teacher Spotlight and we are shining it on one of Freedom’s AP Human Geography teachers– Mr. Panzano! He is one of my favorite teachers and having had him as a teacher, I can personally vouch for how amazing he is. He is loved by his students, respected by his…

  • Drama Department Fall Update

    Drama Department Fall Update

    by Isabella Fishbough The Drama Club has been having a lot of things going on during the past couple weeks, and it hasn’t even been a full semester! They’ve had casting for their fall show, The Crucible, and the one-act, Still Life with Iris, as well as rehearsals for both shows. They’ve also had to plan…