Featured Designer-Pedro Abreu, Digital Media 3 Junior

dagmanPedro researched the artwork of Andreas Fernhede Dagman. Dagman was born in 1984 outside Gothenburg, Sweden and currently resides in Stockholm, Sweden. He is a former student and graduate of the Digital Media program at Hyper Island. Dagman works in both design and development. You can view more of Dagman’s artwork at http://www.thesuperawesome.com.

Why Pedro chose this artist: “Dagman’s art appeals to me because of its use of visual effects to compliment on the features of the image. In the soccer image, he uses visual effects and different art to compliment the centerpiece of the image, the soccer player. His style also interests me because of the way he use the background to set the centerpiece of the image apart from the other aspects of the image. His backgrounds aren’t empty rather he uses a kind of spacy feel to his backgrounds to compliment the images colors and images within the art.”

Below is Pedro’s creation of a Michael Jordan poster done in the style of artist, Andreas Fernhede Dagman. It was created using Photoshop CS5.

Artwork by Pedro Abreu







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