Where are my filters?

Here’s a little excerpt from Adobe’s Julieanne Kost that discusses some changes in the Filter Gallery when moving up to Photoshop CS6 I found very helpful.

“In previous versions of Photoshop, many of the more “artistic” filters were not only available through the Filter Gallery, but were also listed in the Filter menu in categories such as Artistic, Brush Strokes etc. In previous versions of Photoshop, when any of these “artistic”  filters were selected, they invoked the Filter Gallery (where multiple filters could be added and individual Filter options could be customized). In order to clean up this “duplication” (filters being accessible via the Filter menu as well as the Filter Gallery), in Photoshop CS6, the “artistic” filters have been hidden from the menus yet are all available via the Filter Gallery.

If you prefer to see each one of the “artistic” filters in the Filter menu, choose Edit > Preferences > Plug-ins > Show All Filter Gallery Groups and Names”.






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